
Meet the girls we share our lives with.


Brazen vom Bosen Blick, BH, TT

(Ciro von der Kleinbrucke, BH, BST, FR1, MR1, StP1, CGC x Bella von der Barenau, BH, BST, RA, CD)

OFA Excellent Hips / Normal Elbows / Heart Clear by Echo / Eyes Clear

Brazen was our pick of the litter from our B-Litter. She has tons of drive and is a flyer on the bites. Her grips are full, hard and calm. She is an especially social female with fantastic obedience and a calm methodical tracking style. Brazen is the mom to our C-Litter vom Bosen Blick, sired by Ercas vom Kinzigtal.

Brazen had a serious accident in 2017 and ingested a bottle of medication that made her very sick. We have been able to stabilize her over the past year but we spayed her for her own health and she will not be used for future breeding. 

Video's of Brazen Working: 
- Brazen doing 300 pace IPO1 Track
Brazen training for her Breed Suitability Test (BST) 

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Dylan vom Bosen Blick

(Bullweih vom Schandpfahl x Addi van het Bos)

Hips/Elbows/Heart/Eyes to be checked at 2 years old

Dylan is a super, powerful female we kept from our D-Litter. She is the spitting image of her mom and brings power and aggression on the field. Off the field she is great with the family and other dogs. We look forward to competing with her in 2021. 


Dasha vom Bosen Blick

(Bullweih vom Schandpfahl x Addi van het Bos)

Hips/Elbows/Heart/Eyes to be checked at 2 years old

Dasha is a super outgoing, drivey female who is showing a lot of promise in the work. We look forward to seeing what this girly will do in 2021.